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Knowledge Quotes Slideshow
View all the Knowledge quotes in a slideshow.
A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
-Michael Garrett Marino
Quote 1 of 40
The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values.
-Dean William R. Inge
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Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.
-Carl G. Jung
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One part of knowledge consists in being ignorant of such things as are not worthy to be known.
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The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.
-Ralph W. Sockman
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If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?
-Thomas Henry Huxley
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The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.
-Richard Cecil
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Wisdom sets bounds even to knowledge.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new questions.
-Susanne K. Langer
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It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.
-Wilbur Wright
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The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
-Bertrand Russell
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We are here and now. Further than that, all knowledge is moonshine.
-H.L. Mencken
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If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
-Henry Ford
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Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes.
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Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
-Benjamin Spock
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Virtue is an angel, but she is a blind one, and must ask Knowledge to show her the pathway that leads to her goal.
-Horace Mann
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Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them.
-Anonymous Author
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True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
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The great end of life is not knowledge but action.
-Aldous Huxley
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A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
-Kahlil Gibran
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Every extension of knowledge arises from making the conscious the unconscious.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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More appealing than knowledge itself is the feeling of knowledge.
-Anonymous Author
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We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.
-John Naisbitt
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Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence, he is just using his memory.
-Leonardo da Vinci
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All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
-Maurice Maeterlinck
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Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
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Knowledge is of two kinds - we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.
-Samuel Johnson
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In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in all the information.
-Anthony J. D'Angelo
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The small part of ignorance that we arrange and classify we give the name of knowledge.
-Ambrose Bierce
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The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.
-Benjamin Franklin
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No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience.
-John Locke
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The longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
-Anonymous Author
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The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it.
-Doris Day
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Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
-Albert Einstein
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Intuition does not in itself amount to knowledge, yet cannot be disregarded by philosophers and psychologists.
-Corliss Lamont
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The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.
-Anais Nin
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It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
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Knowledge without know - how is sterile. We use the word 'academic' in a pejorative sense to identify this limitation.
-Anonymous Author
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Once you've accumulated sufficient knowledge to get by, you're too old to remember it.
-Anonymous Author
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It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us.
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