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Computers Quotes Slideshow
View all the Computers quotes in a slideshow.
Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months.
-Clifford Stoll
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Not even computers will replace committees, because committees buy computers.
-Edward Shepherd Mead
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Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked.
-Jeff Pesis
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A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
-Mitch Ratcliffe
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Personally, I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world chess championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility.
-Richard Dawkins
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The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.
-Sydney J Harris
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What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up around Japanese computers?
-Walter F Mondale
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It's time to reappreciate the original software: paper.
-Dale Dauten
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There is only one satisfying way to boot a computer.
-J H Goldfuss
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Diamonds are forever. E-mail comes close.
-June Kronholz
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Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living.
-Nicholas Negroponte
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To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so.
-Robert Orben
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Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.
-Tim Berners
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Why shouldn't a PC work like a refrigerator or a toaster?
-Walter Mossberg
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It's called a pen. It's like a printer, hooked straight to my brain.
-Dale Dauten
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They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction.
-Janet Reno
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Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding.
-Louis Gerstner
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The computer is a moron.
-Peter F Drucker
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I want to put a ding in the universe.
-Steve Jobs
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Web users ultimately want to get at data quickly and easily. They don't care as much about attractive sites and pretty design.
-Tim Berners
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Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done.
-Andy Rooney
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Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.
-Doug Larson
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Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.
-Jean Rostand
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Look at growth, look at how much time people spend on the Net and look at the variety of things that they are doing. It's all really good, so I am actually encouraged by the fundamentals that underlie usage growth on the Net.
-Meg Whitman
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The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little.
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Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window.
-Steve Wozniak
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The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability, and something is bound to come of it.
-Vannevar Bush
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