You, My Love
Wanting my days,
To start with your warmth
Loving you all through,
Leaving behind the life so stormed.
Knowing yourself,
How puny it might seem.
Being a task in itself,
No simple no lean.
But your eyes have always,
Shown me the beauty,
Of life so subtle and awesome,
Not bound with miseries,
Not always a duty.
How so ever this life may become,
Your mere presence can make it all,
Jubilant like sky and fresh like blossoms.
No matter where ever I go,
I find you around.
No matter how much I get low,
In you, my strength I have always found.
I do not want stars,
They are too much for me.
Your smile and your love can take me far,
Make me ecstatic and full of glee.
Such an fine-looking a bond,
Between us has formed.
I still and will always want,
my days,
To start with your warmth.
Loving you all through,
Leaving behind the life so stormed.