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Santa in the wonderland

I had lost my hopes of finding true Santa in life. I had a perception that Santa is indeed real and he comes from the chimney to give us gifts. I always wondered that would I ever get gifts on my roof. If I did, then Santa is real. I was always in my dream world and that is the reason my Mom thought that it would be perfect to surprise me with something unexpected. My Mom thought that since I love Santa so much she would do something for me.

A day before Christmas two years back, something happened and I was so happy. There was a Christmas gift for me on my roof. I was so overwhelmed, that I could not believe that Santa came and left a wonderful gift for me. I ran to my Mom and told her that I saw a gift on the roof. Mom was equally amazed and she hugged me. I got my favorite doll. But, I had a question in my mind, how Santa knew that I wanted this doll? It was my sister who later told me that Mom had left the gift on the roof for me. She made me believed that Santa is for real. I thought of confronting my Mom on the same but I could not as she was the one who bought a smile on my face that Christmas. Till date, she is not aware that I knew who kept that gift. But, it's ok as she wanted to bring a smile on my face. I still remember that Christmas memory.

Christmas is surely a magical time!