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When I see your happy face
When I see happy faces along
I also feel connected somewhere
Coz today my heart is broken
But I also loved in the past
I have so many memories to last
A love that was not meant for me,
A love that I just could see
But I feel good for those in love
Coz it's a pure emotion to be
I have had a broken heart
It was in my destiny from the start
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
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Our love was so strong
Our love was so strong I knew
But there was a distant fear too
Our love had no means to stay
But it was destined to happen this way
Our love was pure but we parted ways
Gloomy have become my days
Lost love and some silent tears
Some deep unknown fears
Can't I get my life back my dear
My love you are my only cheer
Oh this broken heart of mine
This was surely not destined
Happy Valentines' Day to all!
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I always loved you my love
I always loved you from the start
I gave you my all even my heart
Then why you left me this way
That I do not have a word to say
If you did not loved me
Then why did you ever say
That I played an important part
In your life that way
Feeling sad in love and life
I gave my all in deprive
Feeling lonely on this lovely day
Today is Valentine's Day
Happy Valentines' day to all!
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I feel sorry today
I feel sorry for myself
As I loved someone not worthy of me
You made a mockery of my love
A thing that I did not wish to see
Love is a pure emotion
You played it from the start
There are no feelings left for you
I feel pity from my heart
That I loved a person so like you
Who gave me a reason to be all alone
Feeling heartbroken on this day
As today is Valentine's Day,
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
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I still feel the pain
I still feel the pain you have given me
Treating me as you wanted to be
You made me sad and made my cry
And you didn't bother to try
Nurse my broken heart after that
Left me in state of sad
I will not be able to love again
I will not be able to express what I feel
I wish this was not real and reel
So that it did not bother my broken heart
So lost in love in life,
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
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I still remember your pure touch
I still remember you so much
I still remember your touch
Remember the times that we spent
Remember the cute moments
Remember the love in your eyes
Which made me a tad more wise
I remember all the good times
That I had with you a while
Remember the love I know
The love that I could not show
Because my heart is broken
Yes it's broken to the core
My love is the same..Only you are not there
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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I thought that love was true
I thought that our love is eternal
I thought that my love is true
You have proved me wrong all the way
I just have a reason to say
That you never loved me the way I did
You played with my heart every bit
I may never be able to love again
I may never be able to believe in love
You broke my heart really bad
Left me in a state so sad
On this day of love, I want to
Tell you that I am still in love with you
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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True love never changes in life
True love can never change in life
Because love never ever dies
It's just people who change with time
You never loved me hope I knew
Everything would be good to be true
You showed me that you do not have a heart
And you were never a part
Of my love and my life my dear
I am living the same life with fear
I think things may change with time
But you will remain the same
Cold to the name love in life
I still love you for what you are
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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I gave you so much my love
I gave you so much my love
I gave you my time and my life
I gave you whatever you needed
I helped you through your strive
I gave you all I ever had in life
So what is remaining tell me
Was my love not perfect to see
I loved you from the bottom of my heart
But you did tear all apart
Nothing so worth living without you
I do not know what will I do
Without you in my life my love
Because I am still in love with you
Happy valentine's day to you
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I don't know why I loved you
I don't know why I loved you so much
I don't know why I gave you my all
I don't want to see your face again
But then I feel that something is missing
Missing from the things to see
If love hurts so much in life
Then I won't love anyone in my life
You have given me pain for life
You have broken my heart into pieces
Of many things that I have been deprived
I won't love anyone for life
Happy valentine's day to you!
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I thought that our love is
I thought that our love was strong
I thought that to me you belong
But all this while you pretended so much
So fake was that loving touch
I don't believe that true love exists
Because love only breaks a heart
I believe you would be happy somewhere
Happy to break a part
You know how to play with feelings
You did that with me as well
I am only silly in the past to dwell
Happy valentine's day to you
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I knew that love hurts in life
I knew that love hurts so much
I also had that blind trust
I did everything to prove my love
I gave you my all that I could
Then why you left me and broke my heart
My world just got shattered apart
If you did not loved me you could have told me
I would not have to bear this brunt of pain
All I do is crying
The tears of vain falling in love with you
I still love you
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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A day when two lovers meet
A day when two lovers meet
They exchange gifts and greet
Make a promise to stay together
Make a promise to stay forever
But my love story was not the same
I do not want to put a blame
But I lost all before it could start
You are no more a special part
I have lost all in the whale of time
You are not there for me anymore
You are not there in chime
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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Love needs so much perfection
Love needs so much of perfection
And you were never so perfect for me
I thought I would love you like crazy
You broke my heart to the thee
Will never understanding the meaning of love
It's not for you to see
You broke my heart and left me alone
Like some silent stone
I won't love anyone again
As I loved you once in life
Happy Valentine's Day to you
For leaving me in the blue!
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Goodbye is never perfect
Goodbye is perfect when you know
That someone does not love you any more
We had a good time I know
Our relation was for everyone to see
But things changed rather fast
Love just went away and made it last
Now I don't have any hopes from love
You left me long back
A day of love for those who believe in it
I have lost my track
Lost my love in the whale of time
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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