Good Morning
Good Night
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Romantic Messages
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Failure is good,
As your friends are there to support,
But, success sometimes hurts,
If there is no one to celebrate,
So friends are important in life!
Tears also have value,
Never cry for someone,
Who does not value your tears?
Love someone who will wipe your tears!
You never really regret the past,
Because that is gone,
But, you do regret the time spent,
With people who were not worthy of your past!
In life,
People often forget whatever you said,
But, no one forgets what you make them feel,
So, love the ones who support you in life,
Love the ones who will help you suffice!
Dreams are not something that makes you sleep,
Dreams should be such that they won't let you sleep,
When you dream big you will reach your goal,
Just play an important role!
In life you don't need someone who can complete you,
In life you need someone who can accept you completely,
Because change makes you a different person!
Life is truly like a coin,
One side is happiness,
The other side is sorrow,
If the coin is tossed in the worry,
Then happiness will also come tomorrow,
So wait for your turn!
You know who your true friend in life is,
She will come and reach your hand,
She will not pretend,
She will understand,
In no time she will reach your heart,
The power of true friendship is such!
When someone needs you,
You just say a word,
That you are busy,
But if you need someone,
And you hear busy,
Than that is the most painful thing ever!
Life is like a photograph,
For every negative there is a colorful print,
In the same way,
After sorrow there would be the hour of joy!
You know that our tongue does not have bones,
But, it is the most powerful weapon,
Coz it can break a heart,
So watch what you speak!
Don't give so much importance to anybody in your life,
Coz if you do so,
You will lose your importance in their life,
So maintain your self-respect!
Great people in life always discuss ideas,
Common minds in life discuss some events,
But, small people or small minds always discuss people!
When I look at you I realize,
Starry dreamy beautiful eyes,
Gosh why I love you so much,
I also don't know,
Why I long for your touch,
You are my world,
You are my angel,
I love you a lot,
You are truly special!
Love is the most important emotion,
Love rules my heart and soul,
You are so special for me,
In the play of life,
You play the lead role,
I long for your love,
And I long for you,
You are the true emotion,
I really love you!