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Romantic Messages
Find and share short, romantic messages with your beloved. You can share/send them to your loved ones via Text/SMS, Email, Facebook, Whatsapp, IM or other social networking sites.
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You are everything I think about. Yes, I am mad. I am madly in love with you.
Love is divine, love is mad. Love is crazy, love is hard. Love makes you smile, it even makes you cry. But the essence and aura, that comes with love is truly inexpressible. May we always stay in love. Thanks for everything, I love you.
Kiss me and I will see stars. Love me and I'll give them to you.
Come away with me sweetheart, to a land that far away and unknown, where it's just you and me with the sun baking our feet and the water wetting our cheeks. Let's spend the rest of our lives in a paradise like this. I love you sweetheart.
You and me
Were meant to be
You and me
Have a long journey to see
You and me
Are a couple born free
You and me
Are bound with love's canopy!
I love you sweetheart.
Have I ever told you how deep your eyes are and how supple your skin is? Have I ever told you how glowing your face is and how gentle your heart is? Stop me right now with a kiss otherwise I will keep going on and on!
You are central theme of my life. The script and the story of my life is written around you. And trust me, the story of my life is going to be beautiful!
I don't need to pursue happiness. Happiness pursues me because of your presence in my life. Don't ever go away.
Whenever my mind goes from sleep mode to active mode, it boots up with the thought of YOU!
You are the fuel of my life - too much of you could burn me to ashes and too little of you will be unable to sustain me!
I wish I knew some fancy words to pass a heartfelt romantic message to you but all I know right now is to say with a smile that I love you tons and tons!
The only thing I NEVER EVER want to think about in life is to say goodbye to you. It will always be the most painful thing to do, if we ever have to do it. I love you that much munchkin.
Do you know a place in this world which is so safe that I can simply walk in anytime? Your lap, your heart and your eyes! I love you dearest.
There is a reason why there is a difference between love and money. Love only appreciates while money may depreciate. I would pick you over the greatest amount of wealth in this world honey. I love you.
Romance between us is not an activity or a one-time initiative. Every breath we share is romance for me. I love you sweetheart.