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Sweet Love Messages
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I don't just like you, I love you! I don't just miss you, I long for you. I don't just want you I need you. If you left me and went away I wouldn't just be sad, I would die!
You are everything to me. I need you in my life always. Please promise me that you will never leave me. Be my strength forever and for always.
I always will want to see you happy and smiling, irrespective of whether it is with me or with someone else. And this is because I am crazily, insanely in love with you.
Each time I go to bed thinking in my head that I couldn't possibly love you any more than I love you that night. However, every morning I wake up proving myself wrong. Because I find myself loving you more every day.
Heaven is really close. I know this because I can see it everyday in your eyes. I love you sweetheart.
It has not been very long since we have met, but it still feels like forever. I guess this is what they call love!
It makes me smile so much thinking about the way even after all these years gone by; you still blush when I look into your eyes. I love you my sweetness.
I love waking up every morning to your face my angel. I could not possibly ask for anything more in life. All I need is you. And now that I already have you, all I fear about is losing you.
I would prefer standing cold in the rain in your arms rather than to be warm in the arms of anybody else. No one makes me as happy as you do.
I love you so much that sometimes even when we hug so tight it feels like we are not close enough.
You may not be my whole world, but you are the best thing existing in it. You might not be my life, but you surely are the one I want to spend it with. I love you.
It is stated that penguins are the only animals that once hitched stay together forever as long as they live. Considering that, would you like to be my penguin?
We of course have had our ups and downs, disagreement and even bitter fights. But the best thing about us is that in spite of all of these we have stood strong next to each other all through the gone years. I could not possibly ask God for a better gift than what you are to me. I love you my honeybun.
Just when I thought that I should give up on finding true love, God sent the best to me. I love you so much.
In the whole world, among billions of people around, my eyes are reserved only for you. You are my shining little twinkling star and you shine the brightest even in a crowd. I love you.