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I Love You Messages
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You are my sunshine, sweet blessing, drop of joy and the snuggle pad of my life. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without you. I love you.
My love for you multiplies every single day. Imagine how much I will end up loving you after a year or two!
My biggest joy in life is to love you
My biggest sorrow in life is to not be able to thank you enough for what you've done for me
My biggest anxiety in life is to think that you'll be away from me someday
And my biggest gift in life is our relationship and togetherness!
When I think back on my life, that only thing I will want to change is the way I confessed my love for you. I could have done so much better! I love you sweetheart. I only want to give you the best.
If there is anything like infinity in the world then I know where it lives. It stays in the form of love in between you and me and keeps travelling across every day!
The best thing about being in love with you is that I have begun to enjoy every season of life with a lot more zest than I usually do. Such is the magic of your love, sweetheart.
The more I love you the more I am obsessed
The lesser I see you the more I am depressed
I love being in love with you!
Being in love with you is like being on holiday - it should start but never end!
I wish I could say I Love You to you in 365 different ways every day of the year. But since I don't have 365 unique ideas, a simple kiss with a loud and romantic I Love You would suffice, wouldn't it?
I love the fact that we don't think of each other as boyfriend or girlfriend. We're so much in love that we really don't care about giving our relationship a name. I love you sweetheart!
If I knew that I would fall in love with you when I was younger, I would have made sure that I crossed paths with you much earlier. Love you darling.
Loving you like crazy is not my fault. If you stop being so hot, attractive and good hearted, then I'll decrease a little bit of loving too!
For me, you're like a lethal deadly drug. Once taken, you're addictive!
Spending my whole life with you is going to be like a roller coaster without a switch. And that's exactly how I want it to be!
Loving you has made me a much better person. You made me humble, kind and more caring than I ever was. A completely different side of my personality has been given birth just because of you. I love you dear.