Good Morning
Good Night
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Cute Messages For Girlfriend
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You brighten up my day with your smile,
All the time and all the while,
I keep thinking of you,
Coz you know,
That I love you!
If I get the opportunity to describe you in a word,
It would be life,
Yes that is true you are my life!
You are my light in darkness,
You are the smile in sorrow,
I would pleasantly give away everything to be with you tomorrow,
I love you!
Thanks a lot for taking care of my heart,
When you are within,
It is happy and hearty,
I love you!
So many moments of yesterday,
So many moments to come,
There is one present day,
When you are with me,
And that matters the most to me!
You know what I don't feel sleepy at all,
Because you come in my dreams all night,
I love you dear!
I just now remembered the day when a pretty woman came in my life,
Yes that is you my dear,
Without you I can't survive,
I love you!
My each minute and each moment will be beautiful,
If you are there with me,
So never go far,
Coz I love you so much!
I tried so hard but I could not stop thinking about you dear,
You are the only reason of happiness and cheer,
I love you so much!
You complete me,
Or I complete you,
I don't know,
But beyond you,
There is nothing to see,
I love you!
You are the only reason for my smile,
It's all the time and all the while,
So I want to see my reason smiling,
Keep smiling my love!
I would climb many mountains,
I would go and touch the sky,
Just to see you smile my dear,
Just to see you in cheer,
Keep smiling!
You are my angel and I love to see you smile,
So, please don't stop smiling,
Because your smile gives me strength!
My love for you will never end,
You know that I don't pretend,
I just want to see you smile,
Till the eternity all the while!
Smile when in ease,
Smile when in pain,
My love smile today with me again,
Coz I love to see you smile!