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Name Poem
Congratulations For New Job
Congratulate someone for their new job with Congratulations For New Job Messages. You can share/send these messages to your friends and relatives via Text/SMS, Email, Facebook,Whatsapp, IM or other social networking sites.
A new opportunity is knocking at your door,
So grab it with your full hand,
This may be the best opportunity for you,
So, go and understand,
And reach higher in life
Congrats and stay blessed!
All the best for this new job,
Your talent and hard work will make you reach higher
That you have ever imagined in life,
That is my prayer to God,
Many congrats to you!
Congrats on this wonderful opportunity that you got,
You desired this position and pay,
Because your confidence is all that makes you say
Stay blessed and all the best
You will pave your way!
A new job is like a new hope in life,
Which would bring a positive change in your life
So, work hard and reach your goal
Because this is the most important role,
Stay blessed and congrats to you!
Hey! So happy to hear this wonderful news
Your new role and job looks great
Do work hard and your talent will pay
And rest it's all on fate!
Congrats and stay blessed!
Kindly accept my heartfelt wishes for you at this important stage in your career. Will hope and pray that you continue to shine in your newest venture just the way you have been glowing in the past. Best of luck to you.
Heaven must have handpicked you for such a brilliant opportunity. May you be blessed with the wisdom to inspire everyone around you at your latest venture! Congratulations on your new job and best of luck to keep up the good work here as well.
May your new job be just as much as exciting as you are! May you be blessed with tons of opportunity to grow and learn! Congratulations to you on your new job opportunity. Fill on your areas of improvement with the greatness of your strengths.
Congratulations on receiving this delightful opportunity. Do whatever it takes to be number one in your new job, because that is a position that is rightly deserved by you. Best of luck my dear to achieve your aspirations. May you receive success by the ton!
Luck follows a righteous regime of rewarding people with what they truly deserve. All your hard work, dedication, commitment to work and persistence has paid off. You deserve this wonderful opportunity. Congratulation to you and wish you all the best for your future.